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These days it feels like my days are blending together I’m losing motivation to do a lot of things. How about you?
One helpful way I find that keeps me motivated and helps set my days straight is to journal or plan. I have been listing my top three items I want to do daily so I can set some priorities for myself. But, not all days need to feel productive and it’s also OK to not want to do anything.
Maybe it’s time to finally take that me time you’ve been putting away. When I’m looking to unwind and practice my creativity, I’ll either write or doodle in my journals. These days, I’ve been using digital journals and planners because I can bring them with me anywhere and they also save space.
If you’re been interested in journaling or planning, maybe it’s now the time to get started! Now more than ever, it feels like we need to support small businesses as much as we can, and if you can, please support these small businesses on Etsy! I’ve linked a few Etsy shops that I love for digital planning and journaling.
Shop Link
Currently, Etsy is also doing a campaign to #StandwithSmall to help independent shop owners during this crazy time. If you’re a frequent Etsy shopper, take a look at these Etsy shops and see if there’s any other shops you can support!
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