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What's covered in this post
What’s the story behind your shop?
I set up Crafting By The Pound on April’s Fool Day in 2017 while going to school for my Bachelor’s Degree in Communication. I wasn’t working at the time, nor was I doing anything artistic that would inadvertently contribute to an art business.
Now, you’re probably wondering … So, why did you open a crafting eCommerce business?
I wasn’t the artist in my family, I was the talker and trouble maker, lol. Any artistic abilities that were to be had came from my sister, but God must’ve planted the same ability – another thing that makes me a perpetual late bloomer – in me as well because here I am, lol. Since Crafting By The Pound has been open, it has blossomed from a fledgling Etsy store to something I couldn’t have imagined at its inception in 2017.

Where can we find your shop?
What kind of items do you sell in your shop?
Physical Planner Items

What is the inspiration behind your designs?
I’m a gamer myself, so I try to make gamer related items, for those like me. I also love real photography, so our just boxes speak to that… I honestly get inspiration from looking around me, and my amazing Facebook group friends of course!
What is your bestseller?
My Black Girl Magic collection
What is your favourite planning/journaling tip?
Focus on what you need and then build your planning system from that.
Do you offer freebies for our readers to try?
Yes, with every order
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